
dreams reflect reality, reality shapes dreams

— Archana Gupta
I am a dreamer, and that is something that I can do with my eyes open. The website is an extension of me, myself and I alone 🙂


I love fiction. Stories that transport me to another world, where there are people I know nothing about. As I turn the pages, and read the words, they become close to me – I fall in love, I experience anguish, I cry tears of joy, and everything else.
My stories are reflections of how I perceive the world!


As a child, all I needed was a book. I loved comics as a child, books with pictures, books with words, books with characters, and books that told me there is a world waiting for you. As an adult, I enjoy books that enlighten and entertain.
I hope to create books to capture the satiety value that books bring to my life.


I read poems as a child because they were part of the school syllabus. Reading poems with my son when he was in primary school made me fall in love. It is amazing how much I enjoy them – and the depth of emotion they capture in a verse or stanza.
My poems are not styled, they are thoughts of a meandering mind.


My mind moves – instanlty and without warning from one thing to another. There are times it does not let me be mindful. The trance is something I have lived with for decades and now at 50, I am not ready to give it up!

Questions or Comments?

Would you like to publish your story with me – do get in touch! Don’t forget to share your comments on the stories, poems, meandering and books you read here

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